Meal Magic Corporation has provided outstanding food service software solutions to K-12 schools for over years. Our experience is the key to your success, and we are committed to delivering the best software, the best support, and the best service to make your job easier.
Over the last three decades, we have introduced technologies, such as the first web-based back office, the first online meal benefit applications, the first iPaq and iPad sales registers for school cafeterias, Build-A-Meal meal discovery, and Intelli-Credit and Intelli-Split money management.
School food service management and POS software are our expertise. We have been focused on these since 1988, and all our energy goes towards bringing you the best products and services to make your life easier. It is our pleasure to help you and the families you serve.

Meal Magic Corporation released the first web-based food service management system for K-12 schools in 2004. Since then, we have developed innovative new technologies and optimized performance to deliver our powerful Meal Magic Cloud as a leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution.
Meal Magic Cloud allows management of food service operations through a robust, easily operated web interface that works with FireFox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, and other popular web browsers, conveniently allowing users to securely access administration services from work or home.
If your district fully or partially participates in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), Meal Magic Cloud has you covered. Because of our vast experience, we handle split districts, differing identified student percentages between qualifying sites, and mixed collection of applications and Education Benefit Forms (EBF) seamlessly.
For districts in states that offer extended free meal programs, such as Free For All, we have you covered. You can configure this by site, meal period, and qualifying grade levels benefits.
All the modules you need for free and reduced-price application processing, verification, direct certification matching, EBF collection, customer management, extensive reporting, and much more are included in our standard administration package. Start small and go big at your own pace.
Meal Magic Cloud interfaces with student data systems through a simple data exchange system that keeps information current, and it also integrates seamlessly with our Family Portal site to provide parents with live, up-to-the-minute information.
- Applications
- Education Benefit Forms
- Direct Certification
- Verification Selections
- On-demand Reports
- Scheduled Reports
- Custom Reports
- Low-Balance Email
- Data Imports
- Data Exports
- APIs
- CEP Sales
- Seamless Summer Option
- Unexpected School Closures
- Multi-day Curbside Pickup
- Billing Groups
- Historical Archives
- and more

Family Portal
Meal Magic Family Portal gives parents and guardians a single website for all their food service tasks. They can make deposits, transfer funds, review account balances, see what their children are eating, order meals, set parental controls, apply for meal benefits, complete Education Benefit Forms, and more. It's intuitive and mobile friendly.
Applying for benefits or completing an Education Benefit form is a breeze. Meal Magic Family Portal guides parents through the process in simple steps. The flow adjusts to match situations specific to the family based on their answers, so confusing, non-relevent sections are skipped as appropriate to make the process fast and easy. Parents can apply for meal benefits or complete an Education Benefit form as guests or through a registered account.
Meal Magic Corporation was the first company to offer online applications for school food service. All others are imitations of the original standard-setting design we created.
Deposits are safer and faster with Meal Magic Family Portal. Parents can make a single deposit for multiple children, and accounts are updated as soon as payments are submitted.
Although we work with multiple payment providers, we highly recommend Vanco Payment Solutions for the greatest flexibility and easiest integration. As our preferred provider, only Vanco delivers real-time balances and deposits across platforms.
No personally identifiable student information is exchanged with payment providers, which helps keep data private.

Point of Sales Registers
When it comes to serving meals, schools need a dynamic caferteria solution that speeds customers through lines while ensuring accuracy and accountability, and that's what they get with with Meal Magic Cloud. Unlike other sales registers, our solution not only does the job, but it also raises performance standards with cutting-edge innovations that make cashering easier.
Build-A-Meal technology, backed by over years of proven dependability, automatically turns a-la-carte items into reimburseable meals. Its sophistocated, on-the-fly analysis of food selections helps increase a-la-carte revenues and reimbursements.
Class sales, group sales, quick sales, and auto-select items help lines move faster, and district-wide family deposits are a snap to complete. Less waiting and speedier service make everyone happier. If you need to bill a group for certain meals, you can lock-in the group and automatically charge the meals as they are rung.
When operating under CEP or extended free meal programs, there is no need to adjust prices. Our sales registers know not to charge when meals should be free under these special situations, and they properly handle second meals as a-la-carte. Our Free-For-All pricing can be configured by site and meal program, making extended free meal programs very easy to manage.

Vending Machines
Integrating vending machines into Meal Magic Cloud is a breeze. With minimal effort, automated sales can be setup to help reduce serving time and increase revenues. Our powerful vending machine support allows customers to use their accounts or pay with cash at the machine. Patrons can even make deposits, further reducing cashier workloads.
Items can be vended as a-la-carte offerings or combined into reimbursable meals when possible. Machines can operate all day or on schedules. Pricing can be fixed or flexible based on grades and benefits and can vary between students and adults.
Meal Magic Cloud communicates with Vend-ucation vending machines equipped with VendNovation interfaces (version 1.x series required). For more information, please contact Vend-ucation for assistance selecting compatible equipment.
Learn More
You can learn more about our company and its products and services by watching this short video. When you reach the end, you will be able to click a link to schedule a demonstration. For more information, please contact our sales team.